Dresden (dpa/sn) – One day before the planned clearing of the Heidebogen forest occupied by environmental activists near Ottendorf-Okrilla, climate activists occupied an office of the Greens in the Löbtau district of Dresden. In a tweet published on Tuesday, the group, which calls itself “Bürobesetz@Heibo”, calls for an end to the eviction and for a conversation with Saxony’s Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens). According to the group, they want to remain in the Greens’ office until the clearing and clearing of the forest is canceled.

“We call on the Greens to act according to their election program and, as described there, to protect every single hectare of Saxon forest and to stop the destruction of the important CO2 storage Lausitzer Moor by entrepreneurial interests of individuals,” said the group via a press distribution list they set up themselves . More than ten people were involved in the occupation.

The piece of forest in the district of Bautzen, called “Heibo” for short, is to be cut down for gravel extraction. Activists want to prevent this. The company KBO in Ottendorf-Okrilla wants to continue quarrying gravel in the region and has the license to do so.