Dresden (dpa/sn) – In order to advance the modernization of industry in Saxony, the SPD parliamentary group wants to help shape the change in the working world politically and attract more skilled workers from abroad. “We are in the middle of a primarily ecologically and digitally driven transformation. It affects all areas of life and sectors,” said Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) on Thursday at a debate in the state parliament. Saxony is particularly affected as an important automotive location with around 94,000 employees and with the phasing out of lignite mining.

Dulig said he was concerned about the loss of well-paying, value-added jobs. “We are facing the greatest modernization of our industrial and business location. We must see this modernization as an opportunity to take the lead as an innovation location.” A climate and resource-friendly economic model also offers Saxon companies enormous economic potential.

According to Dulig, how well the restructuring of the economy succeeds depends to a large extent on adapting to new activities and job descriptions. However, the Economics Minister was confident that the change in the world of work would succeed if it was shaped politically. Therefore, a state is needed that provides security, protects against social decline, promotes training and further education and shapes changes in the interests of the people.

Dulig emphasized: “If we don’t want to miss out on economic, social, scientific and cultural connections in Saxony, we have to attract more skilled workers from abroad.”