Chemnitz (dpa / sn) – Master Adebar can rely on the reliable support of obstetricians in Chemnitz. As the Klinikum Chemnitz announced on Thursday, it is donating 3,000 euros for the renovation of a stork’s nest in the Wittgensdorf district. The money is to be handed over to the Saxon Ornithologists Association directly at the eyrie next Tuesday. The company Höhenservice Straß GmbH has been commissioned with the renovation. According to their information, the eyrie is about 20 meters up on an unused chimney.

According to the ornithologists, three young storks were raised there last year. However, one animal died because it had eaten rubber rings. The Saxon Ornithologists Association is aware of this problem. The storks would probably mistake rubber rings for earthworms and feed them to their young. The rubber rings, in turn, ended up in the compost and in landfills because some people, for example, dispose of the rubber from bundles of herbs together with their remains in the organic waste.

The fate of the little storks also touched the employees of the clinic for gynecology and obstetrics at the Chemnitz Clinic. “The stork lands with us,” can be read in the entrance area of ​​the clinic. Last year, out of 1,350 births, 1,410 children were born here, including 58 pairs of twins and one triplet.