Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The Düsseldorf regulatory office has brought an irreproachable kiosk operator to court as a drug dealer. The woman had over-the-counter hemp products in her range that were supposed to be legal with a maximum active ingredient content of 0.2 percent. However, the regulatory office had the colorfully packaged products of a Cologne company analyzed and came up with a cannabiol content of 0.34 percent.

However, it was not the Cologne entrepreneurs against whom the proceedings were discontinued, but the 37-year-old kiosk woman who ended up in the dock on Thursday, accused of commercial drug trafficking.

“Cologne’s providers seemed reputable. I thought they were registered companies that paid taxes, what’s wrong with that?” said the former event manager. Your entire competition in Düsseldorf also had such products on offer. She had never had anything to do with drugs.

In contrast to the public prosecutor’s office, the district court had an understanding – and stopped the proceedings against the woman due to minor guilt. Nevertheless, she has to pay 500 euros to drug help as a condition. The defendant has since turned his back on the kiosk business. Now she works as a human resource consultant.