The High Level Meeting that Spain and Morocco are celebrating these days is leaving new anecdotes of a protocol nature. If King Mohamed VI did not receive Pedro Sánchez on Wednesday and limited himself to summoning him for a new visit in a telephone call, this Thursday the Prime Minister was the only member of the Executive with protocol problems.

During the meeting that both governments have held, all the politicians have placed a sign with their name in front of the microphones to facilitate their identification. The typography of the posters was unified: name in lower case and surname in upper case. This was the case in all cases, even in those who gave them both surnames. In all, except in that of the President of the Government.

Those in charge of drafting the posters have decided to write Pedro Sánchez, in lower case, followed by PÉREZ-CASTEJÓN, in upper case. The president has thus become President Pérez-Castejón during the time that the meeting lasted.

It is not the first time that Morocco has protocol problems with Spain. Last April, Mohamed VI and Pedro Sánchez staged the reconciliation of the two countries with a dinner that took place in Rabat with the celebration of ‘iftar’, one of the great festivals of the Muslim world after Ramadan. Mohamed VI entertained Sánchez with a real banquet. However, they placed the flag of Spain upside down. The detail went unnoticed at first and was later the subject of all kinds of news, it was not of great importance to Foreign Affairs, who described it as an “error” and said that it was a private dinner, for which reason the Spanish Protocol service did not I had checked the room.

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