The plant of Mohamed VI to Pedro Sánchez tarnishes the High Level Meeting (RAN) between Morocco and Spain that in La Moncloa expected “historic”. When asked by the press, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, has seen himself in a hurry and asks the media to turn off the buses. “From now on off!” Demands someone from the Foreign Minister’s team.

Albares had explained this Wednesday that the call between the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, was “agreed” and that they were aware of the monarch’s absence these days in his country.

Faced with the controversy over the King’s lack of an audience with Sánchez on the occasion of his visit to Rabat, Albares told journalists that “what this prior call demonstrates” is a “prior and personal involvement” of the King in the new bilateral relationship and at the summit.

The minister assured that in this type of meetings between governments “the King does not participate nor has he ever participated”.

Previously, upon his arrival at the business forum between Spain and Morocco that is held within the framework of the High Level Meeting, Albares responded to the Popular Party that the “only ninguneo” there is is the formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo for foreign policy, which is a matter of State, after criticism from the popular for this lack of audience from the King to Sánchez.

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