Leipzig (dpa/sn) – After a first failed round of negotiations, employees of the Leipzig public transport company handed over a joint petition with more than 1,300 signatures to the city of Leipzig on Wednesday. According to Verdi regional department head Paul Schmidt, individual employees from all departments of the transport company will take part in the handover of the petition in the Leipzig town hall.

At the same time, individual employees were called to walkouts. “There are deliberately a few dozen striking employees,” says Schmidt. At this point in time, they do not want to escalate and paralyze traffic in Leipzig. According to the LVB, individual trips may be cancelled.

From Verdi’s point of view, there will be no noticeable restrictions in Leipzig’s bus and tram traffic on Wednesday. “Should there be individual line failures, these are more likely to be due to the high level of sickness and the numerous vacancies,” said Schmidt in the morning.

The Verdi union is demanding 10.5 percent more salary for federal and local employees, but at least 500 euros more per month for a period of twelve months. Saxony’s municipal employers hold against it. The next round of negotiations is scheduled for February 22nd.