Erfurt (dpa/th) – In the Thuringian state parliament, members of the AfD, CDU and FDP together passed an amendment to the arcade law – and thus triggered outrage in the red-red-green coalition. Left parliamentary group leader Steffen Dittes said on Wednesday that it was the first law in this legislature whose passing was dependent on votes from the AfD.

Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) had warned before the vote on Tuesday against an adoption, also for reasons of content. “Our legal opinion is that this means that from May 1st, 2023, all arcades for which no special permit can currently be granted would have to be closed,” Tiefensee said in the state parliament.

The bill was introduced by the parliamentary group of the FDP. It is intended to “close room for interpretation, ensure the application of distance privileges and ensure legal clarity in the application of the law,” the draft law said.

FDP group leader Thomas Kemmerich said in the direction of the government factions: “Perhaps we will do what we believe and not your will.” Tiefensee said that without a transitional arrangement, any arcade operated without a permit would be illegal and fall under the criminal offense of illicit gambling.

The background is that arcades need a specific certification, but there is still no accreditation body. Tiefensee explained that the Thuringian arcade ordinance provides for special permits. This transitional arrangement expires at the end of April 2023. Tiefensee said that the FDP group’s draft law provides for the deletion of the authorization basis for the enactment of the arcade ordinance.