Several people were hospitalized in Bordeaux for probable cases of botulism, a rare but potentially fatal neurological disease, five of whom were in intensive care on Tuesday morning, according to medical sources and the prefecture. Most “are of foreign nationality [USA, Canada, Germany]. They all frequented the same bar in Bordeaux over the last week, the Tchin Tchin Wine Bar,” the Nouvelle-Aquitaine prefecture and the Regional Health Agency indicate in a joint press release. “The suspected food at this stage is home-made canned sardines made by the restaurant owner. »

“We have five patients admitted to intensive care, four of whom are intubated, and three in continuing care,” Benjamin Clouzeau, resuscitation doctor at CHU Pellegrin, told AFP, adding that “all of these patients received anti-toxin treatment. “. “Their condition can potentially persist for several weeks”, during which “multiple complications” can arise, according to him. ” This is exceptional. In France, we have between 20 and 30 cases per year. There we had nine, since one person went abroad again in the meantime,” he added. “The last contaminating meal was potentially on Saturday, so we can expect the arrival of other patients for a few days,” he said.

The doctor calls on people presenting digestive signs (diarrhea, vomiting) or vision or speech problems, after having attended the establishment concerned, to contact the emergency services to benefit from the anti-toxin treatment “the most early possible”. The departmental directorate for population protection (DDPP) took samples in the establishment and all the canned goods were recorded pending the results of the analyses, “within three days”, specify the prefecture and the ARS. The establishment remains open, but with reduced service (wine and snacks).

Botulism is a notifiable disease caused by botulinum neurotoxins divided into 8 types (A to H) which attack the nervous system and cause eye problems (double vision), difficulty swallowing and, in advanced forms , paralysis of the muscles, particularly respiratory, which can lead to death.