Vitte (dpa / mv) – The driver of an electric bicycle is said to have been seriously injured in a collision with the free-running dog of another e-cyclist. As the police announced on Wednesday, the cyclists met on Tuesday afternoon on the island of Hiddensee between Vitte and Kloster. Previously, another cyclist asked the 59-year-old dog owner to leash the animal in front. Finally, a 38-year-old oncoming e-cyclist allegedly collided with the animal, said a police spokesman. There are no other witnesses to the accident itself, but the animal was also injured. According to the announcement, the 38-year-old was flown to a hospital.

The police are particularly looking for the cyclist who, according to a witness, asked the 59-year-old to put the animal on a leash. She also refers to two other accidents involving cyclists on Hiddensee in August and October. In one of the accidents, an e-bike rider died and in the other case a dog was also responsible. The police reminded of the extensive leash obligation on the island, which largely belongs to the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park, and appealed in particular to drivers of electric bicycles to wear a helmet.