Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – With a four-kilometer gap in the rail network, Deutsche Bahn wants to make train traffic in the Rhine-Main area significantly more attractive. At the turn of the year, the documents for the planning approval procedure for the so-called Wallauer Spange were submitted to the Federal Railway Office, the railway announced on Wednesday. The start of construction is planned for 2025 and the commissioning of the route for the end of 2027.

The closure of the four-kilometer gap makes the railway in the Rhine-Main area much more attractive, said the Hessian Minister of Transport Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens). The travel time between the train stations in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt has been halved from 32 to 16 minutes. The clip is the prerequisite for the Hessen-Express, which also reduces the travel time from Wiesbaden to Darmstadt by a third to 30 minutes. “Not only does this bring the three cities of Wiesbaden, Darmstadt and Frankfurt closer together, but the airport is then only around a quarter of an hour’s drive from Wiesbaden and Darmstadt,” said the managing director of the Rhein-Main transport association, Knut Ringat.