Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – After the turn of the year, record-breaking mountains of rubbish piled up in large Bavarian cities. In Nuremberg, the city collected around 25 tons of old firecrackers, rockets and bottles from the streets and squares, a city spokeswoman said on Tuesday. So much had never happened in previous years. At the turn of the year 2019/2020 there were around 18 tons of New Year’s waste, in the previous years around 20.

The spokeswoman sees the extremely mild weather at the turn of the year as the reason for the increased amount of waste. In icy temperatures, there tends to be less banging. The city also assumes that there will be a certain catch-up effect. There are no figures on the amount of waste for the two previous turns of the year with corona restrictions.

In the state capital, the amount of garbage from New Year’s Eve, at around 47 tons, is significantly larger than in Nuremberg. In the previous year, the employees of the Munich city cleaning department had to remove around 32 tons. In Augsburg, the garbage mountain from the residues of New Year’s Eve was about eight tons, as a spokeswoman said. This is a new record in the Swabian city, as environmental officer Reiner Erben told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. Compared to the years before Corona, the amount of garbage on public streets and squares in Augsburg has increased significantly.