Schwerin (dpa/mv) – In the future, citizens in the north-east should be able to find out about help from the federal and state governments to deal with the energy crisis via a specially set up website. “The state government will set up its own website for this purpose,” announced the head of the Schwerin State Chancellery, Patrick Dahlemann (SPD). The steering group for the allocation of funds from the state’s hardship fund had previously met for the first time. “We want the help to reach those affected as quickly as possible,” Dahlemann was quoted as saying in a statement.

A total of 1.1 billion euros was made available for the energy fund with the supplementary budget. 100 million euros have been set aside for the hardship fund.

As already announced by Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), according to Dahlemann, the issuing offices of the panels in the state should each receive 2,500 euros. The Volunteer Foundation wants to take over the award. The state chairwoman of the MV food bank, Kerstin Dauer, called this a “huge help”. Nevertheless, measured against the challenges, it is the proverbial drop in the ocean.

Dahlemann also referred to the previously announced hardship aid for small and medium-sized companies. The state wants to increase the corresponding aid from the federal government by 20 million euros and thus double it. The state government wants to deal with this at its first meeting on January 3rd. Economics Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) recently announced that corresponding applications to the state development institute should be possible in mid-February.

According to Dahlemann, under the leadership of the Minister of Agriculture, work is also being done on the concrete implementation of aid for private households with forms of heating such as oil, pellets, liquid gas and briquettes.