Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – New Year’s Eve in downtown Stuttgart: The construction work for the big party on Saturday on the Schlossplatz in the Baden-Württemberg state capital is in full swing, as a spokeswoman for the event company in.Stuttgart announced on Thursday. So that the new year can be greeted peacefully in the middle of the city and without fear of firecrackers in crowds, the city is granting a subsidy of 1 million euros.

The spokeswoman went on to say that advance ticket sales are slowly picking up. “We’ve sold around 5,000 tickets so far.” In general, it is expected that many people will decide at short notice to attend the New Year’s Eve celebration. The palace square, which is fenced off on New Year’s Eve, could accommodate up to 20,000 visitors.

In the past, the Schlossplatz in the city center was not always a place to feel good. That is why there was already a central celebration in 2019 – there was no celebration in the pandemic years 2020/2021. There will be strict controls at the entrances to the celebration site, because firecrackers and glass are not permitted for safety reasons, as the organizer announced.