They fight for a better climate, but they annoy drivers and air travelers: the activists of the last generation often paralyze traffic. This is not without consequences for them, as the reaction of the judiciary shows.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – Over the past year, climate activists have drawn attention to themselves and their goals with road blockades in numerous cities in Baden-Württemberg. However, this often got on the nerves of motorists – and dozens of times it also had consequences for the activists.

According to an evaluation by the police, around 50 actions such as protests on the subject of climate protection were registered by the end of November, including around 25 road blockades. About 50 crimes were reported, around 190 people were involved, as the Ministry of the Interior reported.

The Last Generation group wants to use their actions to draw attention to the worsening climate change and demands more decisive countermeasures. To this end, the demonstrators block roads and intersections, some of which they stick to. They also demonstrated on the runways of German airports. Some also stuck to pictures in museums.

According to the police, climate activists in Stuttgart also planned to disrupt a Christmas service broadcast live on ARD television on Christmas Eve. However, the plan was known to the authorities beforehand, and the service could be recorded the day before.