Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – In order to find a pregnant woman from Nuremberg who has allegedly disappeared due to a crime, the police are asking the population for information about a mint green Twingo. The vehicle with a license from the district of Nuremberg (ERH) could be related to the disappearance of the 39-year-old, said the police headquarters in Central Franconia on Tuesday. Anyone who saw the car on December 9th on or along the Autobahn 9 to Munich should report it urgently.

Her partner reported the 39-year-old from the Katzwang district of Nuremberg as missing that day. The cash, ID card and maternity pass of the eight-month-pregnant woman were still at the place of residence – the investigators therefore assume that the woman did not leave voluntarily. Due to further indications, there were increasing indications that a criminal offense could be the cause of the disappearance.

With a 24-strong special commission, the police are now checking the social and professional connections of the missing persons. Previously, cell phone tracking and the questioning of relatives as well as the use of search dogs at the woman’s home address had not led to a trace.