Darmstadt (dpa/lhe) – In the process of attempting dangerous bodily harm by means of an intentional corona infection, the Darmstadt public prosecutor’s office has withdrawn its appeal. The verdict of the lower court applies and the 72-year-old accused is acquitted. The woman had been accused of violating quarantine requirements in March 2020 and of infecting a then 68-year-old acquaintance with corona viruses. The previously ill man died almost three months later. It cannot be proven that the woman actually visited the man, prosecutor Marcel Becker said on Tuesday.

The health department of the Offenbach district had quarantined the woman after a positive corona test. A witness testified before the Darmstadt district court that the accused had been with the man who later died. However, a neighbor said the 72-year-old had stayed at home. The District Court of Seligenstadt acquitted the accused in June.