Only a few days ago, according to the Russians, a letter bomb attack on one of their high-ranking cultural officials occurred in the Central African Republic. Now there is a devastating fire in EU buildings. Nobody gets hurt.

The buildings of the European Union Representation in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, were destroyed by a fire in the night from Sunday to Monday. This was confirmed by the EU ambassador to the Central African Republic, Douglas Darius Carpenter, on Twitter. “No one was injured,” he continued. In another post, he expressed his gratitude for statements of support after the “devastating fire”. Details about possible causes are not yet known.

A few days earlier, France had withdrawn its last soldiers from the country with almost five million inhabitants. You were involved in an EU training mission and a UN stabilization mission. France cited the presence of Russian Wagner mercenaries in the country as the reason for the withdrawal. Russian activity in Bangui has increased significantly in recent years.

According to Russian sources, a few days before the fire in the EU building, a letter bomb attack had been carried out on the head of the Russian cultural center in Bangui, Dmitry Syty. Syty, who was badly injured in the attack, is seen in close connection with the Wagner group. In a statement issued by his company, Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin accused France of having carried out the attack.

The fire in the EU building is now the second internationally relevant incident within a few days. The Central African Republic is politically unstable and one of the poorest countries. According to think tank International Crisis Group, President Faustin-Archange Touadéra sees Russia and the Wagner Group as key military allies. Even in the UN, the Central African Republic has not positioned itself against Russia.