When the cold and darkness get to you in winter, sport and exercise help, among other things – even outdoors. An expert reveals what you have to consider when doing workouts in nature.

Despite sub-zero temperatures and bad weather conditions, outdoor workouts don’t have to be canceled in winter. Exercise is now even more important, not only for the body but also for the mind. What needs to be considered and how we can avoid injuries is revealed by Dr. Martin Rinio, specialist in orthopaedics, surgery and trauma surgery, in an interview.

Why is it important that we do sports regularly, even in winter?

dr Martin Rinio: When the temperatures drop, many people become a bit sluggish. But if you just laze around for hours, you hardly recover. On the contrary: the monotony hits the mind, back and abdominal muscles slack, neck and shoulders tense and the metabolism is slowed down. Small steps are often enough to stay fit and alert: Instead of taking the elevator and car, please take the stairs or walk as often as possible – this is usually enough to noticeably improve health and well-being.

Regular walks in the fresh air strengthen the heart and circulation, counteract depression, strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of catching cold – regardless of the season. In addition, sufficient exercise is almost an elixir of life for our joints – and the best protection against arthrosis.

Are we more prone to injury in winter?

Snow and ice often make the way outside on wintry days a dangerous slippery slope. You’ve twisted your ankle or fallen in no time. In addition, our muscles cramp more when it is cold and are therefore particularly susceptible to injuries. In addition, the body needs a longer time to reach the correct operating temperature. Intensive warm-up training is therefore particularly important.

How can we prevent injuries?

As already mentioned, the be-all and end-all is intensive warm-up training with coordination exercises, shoulder circles, etc. to avoid strains or damage to the joints. Sturdy shoes, small steps and possibly fall prevention (especially for older and disabled people) help us get through the winter better. A headlight can also be helpful: it improves visibility considerably when jogging in the twilight, for example. And reflectors ensure that runners are easier to see. And another tip: Please always do the stretching exercises indoors after running. This protects ligaments and muscles. In addition, the risk of catching a cold from cooling down is reduced.

A good alternative to sport in winter is definitely going for a walk, isn’t it?

Regular walks in winter not only promote circulation and muscles, but also mood and brain fitness: experts have calculated that even a medium-length walk increases the blood flow in certain brain regions by up to a third. Brisk walking is good, but please do not get out of breath.

Practical advantages, such as a good profile and non-slip soles, are more important than the chic of the shoes. If the roads are slippery or snowy, the motto is: Waddle forward. That means: take small and slow steps. It is best to tilt your body slightly forward and turn your feet slightly outwards.

Older people or those with walking difficulties should better not leave the house when it is icy and snowy. If there is no other way, if possible hook up with an accompaniment. A short “walk” through the apartment every now and then is just as beneficial for the back and circulation as spending 15 minutes standing after every hour of sitting. A real booster for the entire body musculature is table tennis – the ideal sport all year round in your own four walls.

dr Martin Rinio is a specialist in orthopaedics, surgery and trauma surgery. He is the medical director of the Gundelfingen Joint Clinic near Freiburg. His main areas of treatment include hip joints and endoprostheses.