Bamberg (dpa / lby) – The Archdiocese of Bamberg is planning a balanced budget for the coming year. The archdiocese announced on Friday that total income of 233.5 million euros is planned. Expenses of 233.4 million euros are planned, resulting in an annual result of 100,000 euros.

The income includes 177.5 million euros in church tax revenue, plus 11 million euros in government payments. The expenses include 98 million euros in personnel costs.

With a view to the ever scarcer financial and human resources, the diocese leadership has set itself the goal of fulfilling the church and charitable mission in a targeted manner and with economical use of funds, it said. This includes the development of sustainable building and room concepts as well as cross-diocesan cooperation. Almost 630,000 Catholics belong to the Archdiocese of Bamberg.