Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – The state of Hesse has launched a new aid program to relieve companies in view of the sharp rise in energy prices. Companies with up to 50 full-time employees as well as freelancers and the self-employed can now apply for the so-called energy micro loan Hessen, as the WIBank development institute announced on Friday in Offenbach.

Within this framework, loans from 3,000 euros to 50,000 euros are possible for a period of seven years. The first two years are repayment-free. Energy procurement costs for heat and/or electricity are eligible. Fuel costs are not taken into account.

The gas and electricity price brake decided by the federal government will help to “avoid huge jumps in energy bills,” said Ministers Michael Boddenberg (CDU/Finance) and Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens/Economy) about the initiative. Nevertheless, many companies and the self-employed could face “heavier burdens”. So support the country.