Munich (dpa/lby) – Dispute over a Christmas tradition: Shortly before the fourth Advent, the Munich I Regional Court dealt with the lawsuit on Wednesday about a denied date for a Christmas oratorio.

The plaintiff claimed that the Christmas oratorio with the Munich Bach Choir was to be held in the Gasteig concert hall every year on the fourth weekend in Advent, according to a spokeswoman for the court. When the Bach Choir switched to another promoter in 2019, the concert hall transferred the date on the fourth weekend in Advent to the new promoter.

The plaintiff had to switch to an alternative date with a new choir. Now she is demanding 50,000 euros in damages for lost income and would also like to be compensated for future losses. From the plaintiff’s point of view, there was a “contractual exercise” that allowed her the Advent date even without an express booking.

According to a preliminary assessment by the court, the replacement of the chorus was not sufficient reason to cancel the reservation. After all, the plaintiff wanted to continue to perform the Christmas oratorio on the weekend of the fourth Advent, it said. For future dates, however, the case will be different. The fact that the concert hall will continue to be obliged to reserve the date of Advent exclusively for the plaintiff does not result either from the contract or from antitrust considerations. A decision is to be announced next Wednesday (December 21).