Fulda (dpa/lhe) – The trial against a 36-year-old woman for dangerous bodily harm began on Wednesday with a comprehensive confession before the Fulda district court. According to the indictment, in November 2016 she drugged her husband, who lived separately from her, with an overdose of the sleeping pill benzodiazepine and then cut the unconscious man’s wrist with a carpet knife. The man survived, also because the accused called 911 when he suddenly woke up again. Therefore, the public prosecutor does not evaluate the act as attempted manslaughter or attempted murder.

In court, the defendant explained her motive: she had hoped for better chances of being able to return to her home country of Peru with their six-year-old son if she faked her husband’s suicide attempt. There had been a crisis in the marriage for a long time, also because she had found out about a competitor. However, the 36-year-old stressed in court that she did not want to kill her then husband. He is still suffering psychologically from the consequences of the crime and demands at least 7,000 euros in compensation for pain and suffering.

The trial is only taking place now because the accused fled to Peru after the crime. She did not appear at two trial dates in December 2020 and May 2021. In February 2022 she was arrested in Peru and extradited to Germany at the end of October. Now she is in custody. A verdict is expected before Christmas.