Schwerin (dpa / mv) – Schwerin Castle has been the location for a feature film entitled “The Mad King” (The Crazy King). As the head of the state parliament, Armin Tebben, said on Wednesday at the presentation of the project and the film trailer in Schwerin, in the past few weeks filming has taken place in the throne room and in the castle garden, but also in rooms that are not open to the public such as the Weinlaubsaal and the Medaillonsaal.

State President Birgit Hesse said that Schwerin Castle has already appeared in a number of films – the most prominent example being “Kingsman – The Golden Circle”. There the lock is displayed for a few seconds as a Swedish lock. The fact that a film was mainly shot in and around Schwerin Castle is something special, according to Hesse. She is happy about it and is looking forward to the strip.

According to director Borsu Highson, the premiere should be in November 2023 in the USA. The strip is to be shown in a preview in the courtyard of Schwerin Castle as early as summer, as Tebben said.

The production company Filmstudio Lüneburg GmbH was previously unknown to industry insiders. The project did not seek support from the Mecklenburg-West Pomeranian Film Fund either. Highson and representatives of the production company did not want to talk about the production budget on Wednesday when asked.