The PP harshly criticizes the meeting of the acting vice president Yolanda Díaz with the leader of Junts, Carles Puigdemont, in Brussels. But he believes that it has nothing to do with another hypothetical meeting: the one that the popular ones hope to hold with Junts this month in Congress, within the round of contacts for the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “There is an oceanic difference with what the Government is doing: we are going to meet with the parliamentary groups legitimately elected by the Spanish, within Congress and within the law”, has assured the deputy secretary general of the PP Borja Sémper, in a press conference after the Steering Committee of the popular.

“We are going to be institutionalized. And we are going to talk about reforms. What we are talking about today is completely different, because they talk about the particular interests of Puigdemont and Pedro Sánchez and that is unprecedented,” he added. The president of his party has elaborated on that idea in a tweet: “Today, the Government meets with a fugitive from justice in Brussels. They have gone to negotiate an amnesty contrary to the Constitution and self-determination referendums.” “The interests of Pedro Sánchez cannot condition the politics of our country,” added Feijóo.

In Sémper’s opinion, the leader of Sumar has traveled to Belgium “to meet with a fugitive from Justice and to pave the way to be president of Pedro Sánchez.” The popular spokesperson has pointed out that number three of the acting Executive acts as a spearhead to “seek something similar to an amnesty and open a process” towards the independence of Catalonia.

“They are willing to do anything to reissue a government,” Sémper insisted, to questions from journalists, before asking himself a rhetorical question: “Does anyone have any doubt that if Sánchez did not need Puigdemont’s votes Wouldn’t we be talking about amnesties and hypothetical independence referendums?” If Díaz meets with a “fugitive” it is only “to hypothetically achieve an inauguration,” he added.

For Sémper, Feijóo “could announce tomorrow that he is president” if he gave up the same thing that Sánchez is going to give up, in his opinion, to the independence movement: “We could be doing the same. We know what to do: force the legal order to an ad hoc reform and that they vote for us by virtue of that process”. “We know what the formula is: what Pedro Sánchez is going to do. But we are not going to do it,” he clarified.

In his explanation, Sémper has deepened that meeting with a parliamentary spokesman in a round of “institutional” contacts prior to an investiture is not the same as traveling to “another country” to see a fugitive. “We are living in real time a decision by Sánchez with political significance. We asked him [in the meeting with Feijóo, last week] to put the interests of the citizens first. What we know [from the Díaz and Puigdemont meeting] is that They are talking about how to respond to the particular interests of the independentistas and more specifically of a fugitive from Justice”, explained Sémper, for whom “it is legitimate that the PP opposes or disagrees with this position”.

“It is bad that in Spain there is talk of à la carte amnesties and that the Government travels to Brussels to see a fugitive from Justice. It is bad to modify the legal system à la carte to benefit those who used everyone’s money to the rupture of the constitutional order”, has finally synthesized.