Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The United Services Union (Verdi) has appealed to the North Rhine-Westphalian state government to urgently help the municipalities financially. On the occasion of a nationwide day of action by the trade union, Verdi also criticized the “dramatic underfunding” of local public transport in Düsseldorf on Tuesday. If this gap is not closed, the planned Germany ticket cannot be introduced, said Peter Büddicker from Verdi NRW.

Especially now, when loans are becoming more expensive due to rising interest rates and municipal room for maneuver is narrowing, the “hanging game” between the federal and state governments must be ended, demanded the state district leader of the union, Gabriele Schmidt. According to Verdi, around 500 people demonstrated in front of the state parliament for adequate funding of public transport by the state and federal government.