With the departure of Ana Rosa Quintana from the mornings, the throne is left empty and the chains are rearming their morning magazines to conquer the precious leadership. “It’s going to be a season of many challenges, but also many opportunities,” Jaime Cantizano, RTVE’s big bet, recognized this Thursday in the presentation of Mañaneros.
In addition to the return to television of the veteran journalist of the heart Pepa Jiménez, whose last adventure before the cameras, 13 years ago, was precisely with Cantizano, RTVE had reserved an important trick for the presentation in Prado del Rey.
With the promise of a more moderate tone, reflecting a population that, he says, “is not as stressed as is sometimes reported by the media,” Cantizano will open his program with a political table that brings several names back to the front line. Top-level politicians: the former deputy for Podemos Carolina Bescansa, the former president of the Junta de Extremadura Guillermo Fernández Vara, the former deputy mayor of Madrid Begoña Villacís and the former PP foreign minister José Manuel García-Margallo.