Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The compromise between traffic lights and the Union on citizen income meets with the Union-led Ministry of Economic Affairs in Baden-Württemberg with approval. Politics always means looking for compromises and making them possible, said department head Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut on Tuesday in Stuttgart. “We seem to be able to do this with citizen income – in the interests of the people in our country.” In times of crisis, bridges have to be built and social cohesion strengthened.

Baden-Württemberg abstained from the vote in the Bundesrat last week under pressure from the CDU and thus, together with other states governed by the Union, temporarily stopped the reform. Hoffmeister-Kraut spoke for the southwest in the state chamber.

On Tuesday, the federal government and the Union then concluded a compromise. Among other things, there should be more sanctions for recipients of social benefits than originally planned. The citizens’ allowance planned by the traffic light government is to replace the current Hartz IV benefits on January 1, 2023.