Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – After massive violations, police officers in downtown Stuttgart broke up an unannounced march. According to information from Tuesday, among the around 60 participants on the previous evening were young Kurds and people from left-wing extremist circles who were also known for violent crimes. The participants, some of whom were masked, allegedly set off pyrotechnics, threw firecrackers in the direction of police vehicles and chanted banned Kurdish slogans. A participant attacked a police officer, who was slightly injured. Among other things, the police found knives, masking equipment and a telescopic baton, some of which were forbidden.

The deployment is thought to have taken place in response to attacks by the Turkish military against Kurdish positions in northern Iraq and northern Syria.

Already on the night of Sunday, the police had stopped an unregistered elevator in the center of Stuttgart, where the participants shouted forbidden slogans and carried forbidden flags.