Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – Roasted almonds and mulled wine were already available in the morning – the Frankfurt Christmas market has also been officially opened since late Monday afternoon. The highlight was the lighting up of the 4,900 lights on the 25 meter high “Manni” Christmas tree, which this year comes from the Spessart.

“I hope for peace, solidarity and cohesion in this city, especially at Christmas time. Let’s make the Christmas market a place for people, solidarity, social cohesion and together set a sign for peace,” said Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (Greens) , who took over the official business of the deposed Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD), in her opening speech.

The Frankfurt Christmas market is one of the oldest and largest in Germany. Framed by the backdrop of the Römerberg and Paulskirche, more than 200 stands invite you to take a leisurely stroll until December 22nd. The Christmas market is open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Around two million visitors are expected.

The Christmas markets in Kassel, Darmstadt and Hanau also wanted to open their doors for the first time on Monday. The Wiesbaden shooting star market also begins this Tuesday in the state capital. At the end of the week, Marburg, Fulda and Giessen will follow suit.