Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – In the future, teachers in Saxony-Anhalt will be able to save up overtime on a voluntary working time account in the long term in order to use it later in a block as a sabbatical year or for earlier retirement. It should also be possible to reduce the number of compulsory hours. The state parliament decided on a corresponding application on Friday with the votes of the coalition factions of the CDU, SPD and FDP, and the AfD and Greens also agreed. The left abstained.

Education Minister Eva Feußner (CDU) said that the new working time account should be implemented at the beginning of next year. The aim is to make overtime more attractive for teachers in view of the shortage of teachers. Up to now, every teacher had to decide at the end of the school year whether to let the overtime be paid out or use it as free time. The latter is difficult due to the lack of teachers.