Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The craft businesses in the north of Saxony-Anhalt expect business conditions to deteriorate more and more in the coming months. “At the moment, business is still going well in large parts of the trades. However, expectations regarding future economic development have clouded over dramatically,” said Hagen Mauer, President of the Chamber of Crafts in Magdeburg, on Friday. According to a statement from the chamber, the economic mood is “rushing into the basement”.
The relief packages would prevent the very worst, said Mauer. However, more speed and unbureaucratic regulations are needed for implementation. “Electricity price brakes and hardship regulations must now be designed and specified as quickly as possible so that energy-intensive companies in particular survive these difficult times.”
The craft businesses fear negative developments across the sectors – in particular due to further price increases and the effects of the Ukraine war.