Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Baden-Württemberg’s Environment Minister Thekla Walker expects that the number of protests and blockades of the climate movement “Last Generation” will decrease in the coming weeks. You can understand the motives of the young people, said Walker (Greens) of the “Heilbronner Voice” and the “Südkurier” (Friday). But it is a pity that the campaigns do not create a positive mood for climate protection. Rather, “people are now annoyed”.

In addition, the climate activists are not getting any closer to their actual goal, Walker criticized. The Fridays for Future demonstrators would have achieved much more and triggered a public discussion with their numerous actions. “But nothing can be achieved with the actions of the ‘last generation’,” said the minister. “What they do does nothing for climate protection because they cause further polarization in society.” Unfortunately, there are already too many polarizations in other areas of society.

For months, the “Last Generation” group has been blocking roads and autobahns across Germany and calling for a “stop to the fossil madness.” In recent weeks, climate protesters have also stuck to paintings or sprayed them with food. However, none of the paintings were damaged because they were protected by glass. The activists stress that they want to reinforce their call for a more determined fight against climate change with the actions.