Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Despite the increased costs in almost all areas of life, the prices at the Frankfurt Christmas market should remain the same. The average mulled wine price should be around four euros – as in the previous year – said the chairman of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Showmen’s Association, Thomas Roie, on Thursday in Frankfurt. The stand operators hope that the increased costs would be offset by increased visitor numbers. The Frankfurt Christmas market takes place from November 21st to December 22nd, more than 200 stands are registered.

Tourismus Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main expects around two million visitors shortly before the opening of the Christmas market. This would mean a significant gain over the past season, which was heavily influenced by the corona pandemic. According to Tourismus Congress GmbH, only 1.2 million people visited the market in 2021. Before the pandemic, annual attendance was around 2.5 million.

Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg wants – unlike the voted-out mayor Peter Feldmann – to organize the opening ceremony differently next Monday. For example, schoolchildren, senior citizens and refugees should have their say and switch on the lights on the Christmas tree together with the mayor. “The Christmas market belongs to the people of the city and must therefore be opened with them,” explained the mayor.