Comedian Markus Maria Profitlich made it public in 2018 that he was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. After a therapy session, he had the idea of ​​wanting to help other sick people with an app. In addition to tips for everyday life, he would also like to take away the fear of the disease from those affected.

Comedian Markus Maria Profitlich, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, wants to help other sufferers. Born in Bonn, he has released an app called “Profi’s Motivation” in which patients and their relatives can find self-help videos and tips on how to deal with the disease. “The idea for the app came to me on the way home from the therapist,” said Profitlich to the “Bild” newspaper.

“I wanted those affected to have the opportunity to do something about the disease themselves. My mother was a nurse, and my three sisters are still – helping others runs in the family.” He shot many videos for the app at home, said the comedian in the “Image” interview. A particularly important topic in dealing with Parkinson’s is movement. “If I haven’t done anything for a few days, I notice it immediately. My joints become stiff and I can’t move as well.”

In addition to tips for everyday life, he also wants to take away the fear of the disease and convey that Parkinson’s is not a death sentence. “The disease is not fatal and there is a lot you can do to help yourself.” He himself is not afraid of the future, Profitlich continued. “I feel like I have one more mission: I want to help others deal with this shitty disease!” The comedian made his illness public in 2018.