«How about the supply?»
“Are you going to have to raise prices?”
The questions of family entrepreneurs, those who believe most in the country, were repeated in Correos in the Baluarte Center in Pamplona around the President of Coca-Cola European Partners, Sol Daurella, from Acciona, José Manuel Tencanales, from Gestamp
, Francisco Riberas, or Alibérico, Clemente González Soler, among other attendees.

The responses of the protagonists are of great caution: the costs of freight are triggered, the bill has risen, do not arrive on time pieces in the factories … serious problems added to worry about drifting the fourth economy
of the euro with labor and fiscal regulatory uncertainty and without news of European funds.

The dream of a strong recovery of the Spanish economy in the form of UVE is complicated in the XXIV Congress of the family business that brings together some of the main entrepreneurs in the country.
So much so that in the traditional interactive survey that the Institute of Family Business (IEF) submits to hundreds of attending entrepreneurs, it was conclusive: 91% discard “a rapid increase in economic activity with an intense creation of employment in short and
Medium term in Spain ».
Only 9% are still possible with the problems of inflation and supply that are added to those already dragged by the Spanish economy.
53% auguric that, at most, there will be “a moderate increase in activity with a limited creation of employment;
and 38% also bet that will be fragile and without a template increase.

58% indicate that “the main economic risk” is “inflation and lack of supply”, but 20% points out the “lack of reforms” and 17% to public debt.
The mana of the European funds that was going to strengthen the recovery in it shines for its absence.
59% ensure that your company has not yet participated in any initiative of the Next Generation European Funds.
«You have to structure the funds already and that family businesses appear,” said Daniel Antoñanzas the president of the Navarre company for Refrigeration Solution Exkal.

“Before the pandemic we were 700, now we are 600,” said Juan Peral, President of Pikolinos.

The president of the IEF, Marc Puig, claimed before the King, who opened the congress, who do not put additional sticks on the wheels with the new labor reform.
“We are going to strive to continue creating quality jobs and we ask that they allow us to do so, that they do not give us worse conditions than those of our neighboring countries with which we compete.”

Felipe VI, very applauded in this forum, also laughed: “Undoubtedly, the ability and willingness of companies is multiplied when they are accompanied by an environment that facilitates the assumption of risks, investment and innovation, training,
The hiring of new people and internationalization.
In this sense, it is necessary to always emphasize the great importance of public-private collaboration “.

The king recommended, however, that “business leadership is always accompanied by a social commitment.”
In that line, the new president of KPMG, Juan José Cano, bet that “there will be no recovery, no growth, if prosperity does not reach all (…) inequality generates pessimism and, in turn, feeds populism that
It questions the institutions of capitalism and liberal democracies, which have generated levels of prosperity not seen before. ”

Marc Puig scored a difference from family businesses with others: “must generate benefits, but we always have the impact that our work has in all interest groups and not only in our shareholders.”