For outsiders, the Fifa complex, barely manageable. The focus of the two dozen procedures, the lead Federal Prosecutor Michael Lauber (54) in connection with the world football Association, is also the Ex-President Sepp Blatter (84). Only in may, Lauber authority issued proceedings against Blatter, and the payments to the former Caribbean Fifa officials Jack Warner (77).

Now, another case against the Canton of Valais is well-known: The law enforcement officers of the Federal government to identify against Ex-Fifa General Secretary Jérôme Valcke (59) and Ex-Finance chief Markus Kattner (49). On the occasion of the suspicion of breach of trust is.

allegations are denied

The investigations revolve around the payment of one Million US dollars to the football Association of Trinidad and Tobago, on 13. April 2010 the UBS account to the Fifa has been charged. The money is then invested as a loan, but never have been paid back. This credit was subject to interest “or by equivalent assets secured by the borrower’s signed”. Allegedly, the payment was converted in the same year in a subsidy.

So it is clear from the request of the office of the attorney General of the Fifa, their corresponding documents and decisions to be delivered. The document of 13. May Sunday views front.
Zesty: At that time, the Association was under the control of the infamous official and Blatter-confidant of Jack Warner. 11. In June 2011, it was confirmed Blatter from the Fifa Congress for a fourth term.

for Both Blatter and the other two accused, the presumption of innocence applies. They deny the allegations of the prosecutors categorically.