The dry hoods are still there. You sit around in a dark wood, a sink to the Back, mirror and colorful curlers. Together, the women of the neighborhood come here, but no longer, on the chairs are also not experts for Washing, Cutting and Laying, but two tried and tested Frankfurter literature organizer sit.

Florian Balke

culture editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Silke Hartmann and Dirk Hülstrunk have teamed up to the run-down literary life of the Corona-the time spent to oppose a Podcast. “The word salon slot” means he is the former owner of the hairdressing business, you are operating in the Frankfurt District Rödelheim until her death a few years ago. Had established it in 1975. The old Wella-illuminated sign on the building’s facade is still visible in the window but the Plan depends on the nine episodes that have planned Hülstrunk and Hartmann.

the Two very different decades of encounter in there. And yet, the long-abandoned place with his seemingly obsolete representationalism fits perfectly with the dislocated Digital of the podcast. Hair salons are, after all, has always been a place of conversation. “And the stories,” adds Hülstrunk. The neighbors would see the similar, he says, and reports of comments on the street and the Facebook page of the “word salons”, “Oh, would’ve liked woman’s slit.”