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What is wrong with the most dangerous road in Spain?

51 Mayors of the PP and PSOE in Extremadura and Ciudad Real protest against the state of the N-430

Three members of the same family, including a three-year-old child, have died after a frontal clash between their car and a small refrigerator truck near the town of N Ovelda del Guadiana, Badajoz.
The accident occurred around 10.00 hours at kilometer 18.3 on the EX-209 road. After the frontal impact, the car has been expelled from the road and has been upside down in the gutter. The three occupants of the tourism have died: a three-year-old boy, his mother of 23 and the grandfather of 53. The three deadly victims are of Romanian nationality and lived in Guadiana del Caudillo, a town about 15 minutes by car from the site of the sinister.
The driver of the truck is injured minor, according to Cadena Ser Badajoz. At the moment the causes of the accident are unknown.
To the place of the event have been displaced personnel of the service Extremadura of health and of Red Cross, endowments of firefighters and agents of the Civil guard of traffic.

In the accident in the EX209, it confirms the fallecimiente of 2 males of 3 and 53 years, and a woman of 23 years. 2/2 Pic.twitter.com/1coULDenYX — CruzRoja Extremadura (@CruzRojaEX) October 17, 2017 #Acc_tráfico_Novelda_del_Guadiana (1/2) Ex 209 PK. 17. Two people caught, three deceased a minor wounded. It continues acting place — 112 Extremadura (@JuntaEx112) October 17, 2017 #Acc_tráfico_Novelda_del_Guadiana (2/2) assists Vir 1.2, Vir 1.5, UME 1.1 Guardia Civil, ECE Badajoz, CS de Pueblonuevo Guadiana and Gévora — 112 Extremadura (@JuntaEx112) October 17, 2017