José Luis Ábalos has maintained the head high in the transfer act of its already former transport minister, mobility and urban agenda to his successor, Raquel Sánchez Given the High Charges of the Agency, Presidents of Public Companies such as Aena, Renfe or Adif and representatives of business organizations.
President Prester Sánchez’s decision to dispense with one of the heavyweights of the cabinet has taken one of the ministries with greater participation in European funds and called to be a spearhead of government economic policy.

Ábalos has highlighted the “frantic rhythm” to which the ministry has worked.
“They have been more than three years and I have realized everything we have done: from the motion of censorship, electoral campaigns, pandemic … we find ourselves with an infracted ministry and the claims erupted everywhere”, recalled.

Addressing his successor, Raquel Sánchez, and in the presence of the former Ministers Salvador Illa and Pepe White , has underlined the duties made in relation to the large public companies of the railroad, Renfe and Adif,
They have two strategic plans for the liberalization of this market.
She has also reminded him that the European funds in which the former ministry of her will be one of the greatest receivers “are about to come”.

He has not mentioned the housing policy, which three years later remains a reason for confrontation within the coalition government because of the debate on rents but Ábalos has transmitted the feeling of giving the relay to his successor
When the best time of the ministry
arrives, after taking over the most ungrateful stage.
“I have pride, not to be part of the government but about serving Spain,” he said, to finish assuming that “one is the head to hit but without a great team behind there is nothing to do.”
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Sánchez, his successor, reaches precisely with housing as one of his policy’s struts at the head of the ministry and cities as one of the areas in which he wants to influence, although his scope is, beyond housing
, precisely what connects to the cities by road, train, boat or plane.
“There are no rights without a home, it is the pillar of social welfare, much more than a roof and four walls, housing is the source of which our rights emanate and our dignity as individuals and should be at affordable prices” .

The former mayor of Gava has mentioned major topics in the ministry as the financing of the highways , a project in which Ábalos has already dropped the general taxation of tolls, but it has preferred to expand
In which its management will be concentrated, in addition to the housing, in the sustainable, in the proximity that gives its municipal experience and in active feminism, a point in which it coincides with its neighboring ministry in Madrid, the work directed by Yolanda Díaz .
