“I found an abandoned kitten, what should I do?” is a question that many veterinary clinics hear. However, before taking a kitten to a clinic or a shelter, there is one simple thing to do: try to find out if the kitten is really abandoned. For that it is enough to be attentive, to observe the small animal. If he is plump and has good hair, obviously he is not abandoned, then he must be allowed to have his way.

Otherwise, if the kitten gives all the signs of abandonment, action must be taken. This also applies to an adult cat.

An abandoned and injured animal is legally the responsibility of the municipality. You must therefore contact the pound or the fire department. The cat will be taken by them to a veterinarian and the care incurred will be paid for by the municipality. Be aware that if you decide to take responsibility for the animal and that care is given to it, you will have to pay the cost incurred.

Two solutions: the first is that the animal is wild and cannot be caught, in this case, you contact the pound. Don’t take the risk. A wild cat can be very aggressive.

Second case, the cat is docile, you still have to contact the pound. They will keep him for the legal time and if no one comes forward to get him back, you can adopt him if you wish.