Vox and the National Front are left alone to Salvini in his attempt to unite the radical right europeaVox is cleared from the summit of Salvini and Le Pen and elected european partner after the comiciosLa victoria Vox in the elections in andalusia, a global trend of rise of the radical right

The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal , has met today in Rome with the former deputy prime minister of italy, Matteo Salvini . As announced by Abascal on Twitter, at the meeting have spoken of the “massive immigration”, “the need to protect the borders of Europe” before the “mass immigration” and on “respect for national sovereignty —and unity— of the member states of the EU”.

“the Very positive working meeting Matteo Salvini, in the Italian Senate,” said Abascal, who has stressed the coincidence of ideas between both politicians with respect to the immigration and national sovereignty of the member States. The Italian political has not posted on your Twitter profile, no mention of this meeting.