The period to request the Shopping Basket Bonus in the Valencian Community of 90 euros is now open. Until next July 14, you can request this aid that allows you to buy exclusively in food stores with the aim of alleviating the effects of the rise in food prices. The voucher works in prepaid wallet card format, it is personal, and It will be activated for four months from its concession. In addition, this aid is compatible with the help of the 200 euro Bonus from the Government.

People with tax domicile in the Valencian Community who have had a family income of less than 21,000 euros per year in 2021, as well as people who during 2022 have worked on their own for others; have received unemployment benefit or subsidy/subsidy; have received the Minimum Vital Income or have received the Valencian Inclusion Income. With these requirements, it is estimated that the aid can reach up to 500,000 beneficiaries, with a total economic impact of 48.44 million euros in the event that all the potential beneficiaries receive the aid.

On the other hand, those who receive public pensions paid by the General Scheme or the special Social Security Schemes or by the State Passive Class Scheme will not be entitled to aid.

The following are considered public pensions:

a) Permanent disability pension, in its degrees of total, absolute and severe disability

b) Retirement pension

c) Widow’s pension

d) Orphan’s pension

e) Pension in favor of family members

f) The pensions of the extinct Compulsory Old Age and Disability Insurance

g) The pensions of the State Passive Classes Regime

h) Non-contributory disability and retirement pensions

To request the Shopping Basket Bonus of 90 euros you must follow the following steps:

1. Request a PRIOR APPOINTMENT for the Shopping Cart Bonus.

2. Confirm the request for the Shopping Cart Bonus in the interval assigned in the Previous Appointment.

Once the prior appointment has been requested, the request will be made, which can be done in person within the days/hours of the prior appointment at any Post and Telegraph office, or electronically, for which requires electronic certificate and electronic signature.

5. You will receive the communication by e-mail about the resolution and collection of the Shopping Cart Voucher.

6. The Voucher will be delivered through a distribution network that will bring the card closer to citizens throughout the territory.

When the beneficiary is granted the aid, they will be informed by email of the resolution and from that moment they will receive the Bono Cesta prepaid card. In addition, the Generalitat has made available to the public a telephone number to attend inquiries, 96 099 01 07, which is available from this Thursday from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., as well as the email address

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