Aída Nízar was for years a habitual character in Telecinco programs.
La Vallisoletana jumped to Fame after her participation in the fifth edition of Big Brother in 2003, starting a career as a television and contestant collaborator in different ‘realities’.
However, she takes a long time without appearing in front of the Cameras of Mediaset and has decided to explain the reasons.

The one who was a reporter of Sálvame saw that they included it in an article that collects several mediaset faces that passed “of essential to forgotten”.
She shared a capture of it at the Instagram Account on her Instagram

In his text he spoke about the salaries they offer in the communication group: “Right now the caches who pay at Mediaset are irrisory and accept them all this panda of Peleles who work practically without charging, just to be seen and thus be able to say ‘work
On television ‘. I understand that working is synonymous with making money to be able to live as a deserve. ”

Nízar shared that on the small screen there are two types of workers: “The Yonquis of television that work even without charging or charging crumbs and those who work to do millionaires to the chains and make ourselves millionaires us.”

Aída Nízar shared on Sunday, January 9 on Instagram a second publication talking about his absence in Mediaset.
She did it after seeing the repercussion that the first had had in different media.

“I understand that there is anxiety of Aída on television! But I greatly appreciate that they do not lie about the nix, I would never attack who gave me the opportunity to discover a world as exciting as it is that of television,” he called.
He wanted to highlight so he was not attacking against the company, but against certain workers of the same: “They as a company are fortunate to be peleles who accept 150 euros or even go completely free”.

The one who was a collaborator of Martian Chronicles revealed the money that came to handle at the time: “Before we charged about 15,000 euros or more by intervention. And that’s how diets, transport, driver, brilliant makeup artists and hairdressers, stylists, costumes.
… that is, everything that involves being a star and contributing to the success of chains that earn millions and millions with our immeasurable appearances. ”

Nízar stressed that both her and her family work for money and not to fill out his egos.
“We are some shelters involved that we give everything … our firm purpose is to do Billionaries to the televisions for which we work and satisfy our directors, who ask Raúl Prieto,” she said quoting the Creator of Sálvame.

In addition, he took the opportunity to express his gratitude to those who have counted on it in Mediaset: “Every time I have been hired to me, they have paid me a lot of money, exactly the one who deserved.”
She also regretted that the situation has changed and pointed out that other people “do not achieve those audience rates that the N6arzar have always achieved.”

The Excontest of Survivors 2011 topped his message as follows: “Our work is entertaining, a glorious and fascinating show. That is television, provoke and raise emotions to you, the true bosses, the audience.”