Actress Madrileña Alicia Hermida has died this morning at 89, as reported by the actors and dancer management entity (AISGE).

Through Twitter the AISGE has announced the death of the actress in today’s morning in a residence of Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid) where he lived with her husband, also actor Jaime Losada.

His character from the Pizpireta Valentina in Tell me how he passed again he returned and caused the younger generations to know his interpretative talent.

Alicia Hermida (Madrid, 1932- Madrid, 2022) debuted at the theater in the 1950s and cinema with Maribel and the strange family (1960).

In 2017 it was recognized with a lifetime award for the Union of actors and actresses, an act in which he recalled that he was uploaded for the first time to a stage at age 13, in the work Plaza de Oriente, by Joaquín Calvo Sotelo
, an assembly that took him to his first theatrical tour at 14.

“I have had and I really want to work, but I have never had the avidity of being on the front page,” recognized the actress who was also part of the cast of Paquita Salas, Javier Calvier and Javier Ambrossi.

The house of Bernarda Alba, Blood Weddings, the Prodigious Zapatera, the witches of Salem, the newspaper of Ana Frank, the retainer of Don Cristóbal and the Maleficio de la Butterfly are some of the texts that are part of his scenic trajectory.

He also represented the work of Tennessee Williamsla Gata on the roof of hot zinc and in 1998 he worked at the orders of José Tamayo in divine words of Valle-Inclán.