The courts have agreed to the permanent prison in ten of the 17 cases in which it was solicitadaAna Julia after killing Gabriel: “I Think in the father; how is what I say”

Ana Julia Quezada hit “violent and reiteredamente in the head” the little Gabriel before you suffocate and as consencuencia of those blows was in ‘a state of delirium first, estuporoso after, until you get to the comma”. He died between 45 and 90 minutes later, suffocated by the woman who took his life covering his mouth and nose with his hands. This is the main conclusion of the two expert witnesses of the party –an internist and the chief of the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital de Poniente– which yesterday presented its conclusions to the Chamber deemed the death of the child.

The two experts, who made their report at the request of the claimant, argue that Ana Julia hit Gabriel in life and that could have been revived in a semicomatose state you left it before taponarle mouth and nose. Their conclusions support the thesis of the accusation that Ana Julia murdered the child alevosa and be wroth with him.

however, despite the fact that the Prosecution also argues that the accused committed a murder with premeditation and requested that he be sentenced to permanent prison revisable, endorse the official postmortem. The autopsy was performed on the victim by two forensic Institute of Legal Medicine (Imelga) of Almeria and she was also a renowned histopathologist, the director of the Department of Seville of the National Institute of Toxicology.

they Were the ones who examined the body of the creature.

Their conclusions do not coincide with those of the other two doctors, except in the final cause of death . These experts point out that Gabriel died “by a mechanical asphyxia by suffocation manual”, the ocluirle the holes respiratory and stress that were typical lesions due to the “disproportionate force between the aggressor and the victim”.

however, the trauma that had the boy in the head attributed to repeated blows on a flat surface (wall, floor…) and the link to the own mechanism of suffocation, by supporting the head on that type of surface. His colleagues, however, in a story doctor crude claim that the boy was buffeted and beaten violently, against some type of solid surface (ground, blunt object…) and in a short span of time. The internist explained that Ana Julia employed a “intense violence and widespread” against the creature. In his judgment, the story’s official “is probably a banalization”; not logical or reasonable. The Jury will choose.