Ana Obregón (66) lives a few days of incessant concern due to the hospital admission of his father.
Antonio García, 95, is fighting against health problems caused by an infection that took him directly to the emergency room.
A trance that for the actress is being hard, given that she in a year and a half she has lost her son and her mother, so she fear of her is logical.
For this, she is having the support of her sisters, Amalia and Celia, who have turned with her father as she surpasses her ailments.

The entrepreneur was admitted to a Madrid clinic last week and has had to make a small intervention to place a pacemaker.
He is currently on the floor, where he evolves favorably, but it is not known when he can return to his house.
Therefore, the concern that Ana Obregón may feel logical.

The presenter seizures to dump his feelings in his Instagram profile and so he has done it to talk about his father.

Ana has written an emotional post composed of a photo next to Antonio García and a very felt text: “Dad, you are positively fighting at that hospital as ‘the champion’ that you have been all my life. A 95-year-old champion, starts saying
However, the message goes through dramatic dyes and she does not want to think about the possibility of losing it forever: “I am very selfish and I need to be more time with you because I do not know to what extent the human being can hold so much pain if you were

Ana Obregón’s words worry because he recognizes that “I understand that you want to meet with mom but please, I want to smile with you … a little more,” he says with heath.
Finally, the interpreter appreciates the support received and sends forces to her father: “Thanks for the messages of affection, now you will understand my silence. There are times that there are no words. #Tequiero #Papa #lucha”.

Well-known faces messages have not been expected.
Poty Castillo sent “All my love dear Ana !!”
“A lot of strength we are with you, she wrote with the emphasis of the capital letters Aless Gibaja. For the part of her, Paula Echevarría wrote an emoji from her hands praying for everything to go well.