Anabel had the day off, just like yesterday, but given the media and audience pull that is having his separation, ‘Sálvame Orange’ has made a connection from the street when he returned to his new house to put the washing machine and make several washings
: short of underwear and a longer clothes that has taken to Madrid and Sevilla last week.

Actually, this has been the anecdote of the connection, in which Jorge Javier has asked him about his feelings after the Omar Sánchez interview.
Anabel Pantoja stated that he had known what he knows now, he had not married her, probably the toughest affirmation he has had to face her collaborated in Sálvame.

As soon as he leave the exclusive in the kiosks, the camera chambers captured Anabel Pantoja.
At that time, the niece deisabel pantoja said that she had not read her yet but that she would calmly.
Yesterday, journalist Sergio Ferré revealed that he had exchanged messages with her and that he had confessed to being “broken inside”.

Today he wanted to be direct and has decided to reappear to answer the questions of Jorge Javier Vázquez.
She initially tried to divert attention when the presenter has asked him several times that she took off her glasses because she wanted to know if she had cried overnight.
The only thing she has recognized is that she has not slept well, but she has attributed it to the strangeness of her house, in which she has slept alone for the first time, because the night before she had been accompanied by some friends

The next controversial theme has been the information that Jorge Javier has given him about the testimony of a confidant who said some of the guests at his wedding in the grace were asking for the return of expenses: travel by plane, two hotel nights,
The meals of those days, the ferry to the island, the clothes (all the guests had to go dressed in white) and the gift.

Anabel has realized that what was being taught was a kind of assembly.
She has asked to know the identity of ‘deep throat’ and has offered the guests to get in touch with her and give her an ordinary account number to enter the expenses.

When Jorge Javier told him that they had an audio of his aunt of almost nine minutes he has been surprised.
He has told the presenter that he had told him that he just wanted her happiness.
And she was very intrigued by what she could have told Isabel Pantoja.
Vázquez has set it to see the program while she finished the washing machine.
The Catalan has not stopped laughing and has followed the joke asking him for the softener he used.
The Sevillian has recognized the place where she usually makes the purchase.

At the end of the connection, and after complaining several times that today I was not working, Sergio Ferré wanted to enter the house, but there Anabel has been sharp: ” They do not let me record inside the house, but then, if you want
, Vent to bathe in the pool. ”

It seems that today, a generous, nobody earned him.

Tomorrow the protagonism will be centered on Rocío Carrasco, which in the new episode of ‘Montealto’ will reveal among furniture the secrets of her mother.