The authorised rally, led from the station through the Neustadt, for Helvetiagärtli and again. Because of the Corona measures a maximum of 300 persons were admitted. The participants had to leave the meeting of the organizers with your contact information and have been counted. Many joined but also free the move.

most of The rally participants and the participants were young, dressed in black and with a mask equipped. The occasion, according to the call had Resolutely organized the group and of the Eritrean media Federal.

the reason for the rally was the killing of George Floyd two weeks ago by a police officer in the United States. The Slogan of the protest movement – “Black lives matter” – was heard in Lucerne during almost the whole of the procession to. Was chanted “No justice – no peace”. Also on the posters, the English language prevailed. An exception to this was “No place for racism – we would like to clear”.

At the rally was criticized that racism is tolerated too often and not talked about. Racism was, however, part of our history, we would with this socialized, said a speaker. He was in the everyday present.