The Apple Technology Giant on Tuesday announced benefits in the first nine months of its fiscal year of 74,129 million dollars, 66% more than in the same period of the previous year, arranged by the iPhone and services.

Between October 2020 and June 2021 (Apple’s fiscal year begins in October), the Cupertino company (California) entered 282,457 million dollars, above 209,817 billed in the same nine months of last year.

On the other hand, the investors of the bite apple company pocket during this period $ 4.42 per title, compared to 2.56 a year ago.

By business segments, the iPhone phone, which two years ago was in a certain downward trend and its pre-eminence was at risk as Apple’s main source of income, is experiencing a resurgence with an extraordinary force, and already returns to assume
More than half of all the sales of the company.

Thus, from the 282,457 million invoiced so far from fiscal year, 153,105 million correspond to sales of iPhones (54%), and the rest come, by this order, of the services (50,148 million), the technology for clothing and
Home (29,582 million), MAC computers (26,012 million) and iPad tablets (23,610 million).

Especially significant is collected by the services, 28% year-on-year, since this segment is the great purpose of the company’s future, and in recent years it has launched a multitude of subscription platforms in sectors as diverse as television entertainment,
Videogames, press and music.

“We continue advancing in our efforts to instill our values that define us into our products, we inspire a new generation of developers to learn to program, we approach our environmental goal for 2030 and we build a more equitable future,” he said when presenting the
Accounts The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook.

The good results presented by Apple did not end up convincing investors in Wall Street, and the actions of the company were left 1.10% up to $ 145.14 per title in the electronic operations after the closure of New Yorchine parks.

The American multinational software and computer services Microsoft announced on Tuesday a net benefits of 61,271 million dollars at all 2021, 38% more than in the same period last year, driven once again for the good progress of
Your smart cloud.

The Technological Giant led by the Executive Satya Nadella billed 168,088 million dollars in the last 12 months, which represents more than 17% more than in 2020, and shareholders were packed $ 8.05 per share, against the
5.76 a year ago.

For the second consecutive year, Microsoft underlined the benefits of its business in the cloud, which have grown 36% with respect to the 2020 exercise until reaching $ 19,500 million, as reported in its report the Financial Director of the Technological Giant, Amy Hood

As for the fourth quarter of 2021, the most followed by Wall Street analysts, the company obtained profits of 16,458 million dollars, about 47% more than in the same period of the previous year.

For its part, sales between April and June amounted to 46,152 million dollars, which represents almost 21% more than in that 2020 stretch, while shareholders pocket $ 2.17 per share, compared to 1.46
A year ago.

Microsoft stressed that the good results of their business is due to the innovations they have presented, which they consider meet the needs of the market.

“We are innovating in the technological stack to help organizations reach new levels of technological intensity in their businesses,” Nadella explained in public statements with the results.

“Our results show that we have a good execution and that we comply with the needs of our customers differently in large and growing markets,” said Microsoft’s executive director, who said that they have succeeded not only in the cloud but in the sector.
of the game, security and the LinkedIn social network, all with sales exceeding 10,000 million dollars per year in the last three years.

Microsoft’s outcomes were disclosed at the close of the New York Stock Exchange and electronic operations fell 0.87%, despite overcoming the expectations of analysts.

Since the beginning of 2021, Microsoft has revalued about 29% on the stock market and its market capitalization reaches 2.18 trillion dollars, one of the largest behind Apple.